The New Zealand Graphics & Technology Teachers Association
Why Join NZGTTA?
NZGTTA is a progressive and forward-thinking subject association and PLD provider through the Networks of Expertise. We have very talented, creative, and innovative thinkers in our ranks who are future focused and also know and understand what is important. We have been serving Technology and Graphics (DVC) teachers for over 43 years and have multiple regional associations peppered around the country that allow us to do this job along with a 700+ member strong forum full of people willing to offer resources and support.
Primarily we are here to support, represent and inform the sector, and with all the changes, initiatives and developments happening in education at the moment, it has never been more important to be part of a subject association, especially as we move forward with our PLD plan with the for teachers-by-teachers ideology. It is in this area where we have been applauded for the work we have done and are doing with the support and dedication of the executive, regional representatives and subject specialists who give so willingly of their time to support others.
In the last few years NZGTTA has supported and represented the sector in the following ways:
Come join the association along with encouraging your peers and take advantage of all we can offer but also give back because everyone has something they can offer. We look after our people who take on the challenge of facilitating PLD or do event planning and management in their region and offer pathways within the association.
There is something for everyone whether you teach with a wood bias, metal bias, textiles bias, multi materials, electronics, product, or spatial design, MPT, DVC, Achievement Standards or Industry based Skills Standards.
We are also very big on developing leadership capacity in our ranks for both subject specialists/experts as well as project managers and with the higher-ranking opportunities come support, remuneration and professional development.
If you want to know more about becoming a member and the opportunities within that, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the following email address: mfleming@karamu.school.nz
Kind regards,
Micheal Fleming,
President NZGTTA.