1. Outline different scenarios for a Level 1 course involving the generic and new Construction and Mechanical Achievement Standards (See below for draft standards)
2. Outline a blended course of both Competenz Unit Standards and Technology Achievement Standards
Mr Steve Ronowicz is presenting the outline of different scenarios for a Level 1 course. He is the present HOD of Technology at Tauranga Boys’ College and has been a HOD for 13 years. Steve was the National Moderator for Technology in 2008 and has been involved in writing Technology Achievement Standards.
Mr Kevin Thwaites is presenting the outline of a blended course of Competenz Unit Standards and Technology Achievement Standards. He is the present HOD of Design and Technology at Waimea College (Nelson) and has been a HOD for 25 years. Kevin is the Competenz Moderator for Nelson/Malborough/Westcoast.
The goal is that attendees will improve their understanding of the Construction and Mechanical Achievement Standards and become confident to incorporate some of them in their courses for 2011.
The PD day is Fri 19 Nov 2010 at Gore High School. 12 attendees are required for this course to go ahead. The cut-off date for registrations is Fri 12 Nov.
Please reply email to Piki Brown to register your attendance.
The cost is $20 per person, invoiced to your school or organisation.
The course will run from 9:30am to 3:30pm and lunch will be provided. Schools will not be invoiced for cancellations if notice is received prior to the day of the course.